Rock Hands of the Month – THE PACK a.d.
Few two-pieces make as much wonderful noise as Becky Black and Maya Miller from The Pack a.d. Bask in their rocktacular glow with a gallery from June 4, with ADDED ROCKHANDS.
GALLERY: Japandroids at the Lifetime Collective
Aren’t awesome international media darlings supposed to play awesome venues when they’re back in their hometown? Yeah, that’s what we thought. But nevermind, we will let you live, Japandroids. For you have brought the punk rock back.
Rock Hand of The Month: WOODHANDS
Throwin’ the horns. The Devil’s hand. Rock Hand. Call it what you will, it is the sign of ULTIMATE MUSICAL MAYHEM. And like revenge it is best served cold…and it is very cold in Toronto where Paul Banwatt from electro dance geeks Woodhands come from.
Joel Plaskett…and Dad (Live at the 2010 Cultural Olympiad)
Nova Scotia’s former Thrush Hermit wins friends, influences people and sings some tremendously amazing songs…with his dad.
You Want to Know About: The Manvils
Asking fabulous and dumb questions of rock and roll stars since…this morning. You want to know about Vancouver’s The Manvils and their bonkers lead singer Mike Manville? Yeah, we think you do. Read the interview.