YUCK’s last show of the US tour in Brooklyn, NYC

Daniel and Max, Yuck, pic by Chris Gersbeck

Coming off a seemingly endless tour that started back when jean shirts weren’t ironic, the fine young folks in Yuck wrapped up their North American tour on Friday night in Williamsburg with what photog, friend and Fucking Nostalgician Chris Gersbeck called a truly rad gig. “I felt like I was watching the beginnings of the next great band,” he said.

Unsurprisingly, the band now needs a bit of a break. Even Lou Barlow said that when Daniel was backstage at a recent Sebadoh gig in London, he’d been talking about the toll of their unending touring. On Friday night, they told the Brooklyn throng that it would be the last time they’d back for a while. But rest? Naw, no such luck for Yuck. They head tomorrow on a das huge Euro slog. Then they get the whole of one month off for Christmas, where they will undoubtedly sleep.

In January, they head onboard the absurdity that is the Weezer Cruise, where they’ll be playing the Lido Deck amongst their musician heroes (and me!), and presumably, burning their spindly pale legs (and drinking with me!). When asked whether Yuck would be curating an event on board, guitarist Max Bloom replied “Our event is suntanning…I’ll be getting a base tan.” (Like me!)

So, in between dodging drunken Weezer fans, maybe the Cruise is just the holiday the band needs. See you on the Love Boat, chaps and chappess! And thanks again to Chris Gersbeck for the exclusive shots.\m/

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