How to Lose Your Shirt in Australia: FOALS Report (Card) from Sydney – Gallery/Review
Foals destroyed Sydney at the Enmore Theatre on September 28th. Rather, Sydney destroyed Foals. Literally. Here’s how Yannis Philippakis lost his shirt.
Total Strife, Forever? FOALS’ “Mental, Moral & Musical Meltdown” in Vancouver
Stagediving, amp-climbing, mic-destroying, stage-demolishing, spit-hocking….The Foals ripped themselves and Vancouver a new one in a feral live show at the Commodore Ballroom. Read on, then jaw drop. There’s even video. And a reply from lead singer Yannis Philippakis.
Foals: Now With Added Stage Invasion and Esben & The Witch Pics!
I quite fancy me some Foals. I like their guitars. I like their bass and drums. I like the intensity of singer Yannis. And I really like their latest album Total Life Forever. I also really enjoyed THE STAGE INVASION at the Vancouver gig. I say as much in this review. Plus, feast your eyes…