Introducing: THESE BRITTLE BONES – Interview with Chris Jones
You have never heard of These Brittle Bones, a 14-year-old teen from Wales, living in Singapore, by the name of Chris Jones. I’m about to change that.
“Welcome to our little radiological event”: SKINNY PUPPY lays waste to Vancouver with an epic show (PHOTOS/REVIEW)
Industrial legends return home after four years to Vanouver – how SKINNY PUPPY blew up the Commodore Ballroom with their little radiological event: costumes, a setlist to die for, and a visceral, epic performance.
JAKE BUGG in Vancouver at the Orpheum Theatre
A brilliant-sounding, but dead in the eyes Jake Bugg played to a filled, beautiful room in Vancouver on January 21st, and it should have gone off. So why didn’t it?
Hey! It’s a YEAR-END LIST: The TOP 11 BSR-est THINGS OF 2013
Now that you’re all sick of year-end lists, here’s the only one that matters: MINE. In which I discuss the Top 11 (my lists crank right to 11) Best BSR Things of 2013, featuring Osheaga, Primavera Sound, Sebadoh, Foals, Amanda Palmer and a look at the year ahead.
Introducing: KRAMIES – The Story of The Wooden Heart (plus exclusive videos)
Who is this Kramies guy? He’s a guy who’s done work with Jason Lytle and Bob Pollard’s buddy Todd Tobais. No, really, who is he? Well, I’m going to answer that for you. Have a listen and learn the story of The Wooden Heart EP, though words and exclusive video.
The Antlers’ Darby Cicci has gone down the solo road for a new EP called School of Night. Here he talks about touring, singing, his own music and what’s next for Antlers.