PHOTOS: DESTROYER / Zulu Pearls Live in Berlin

Destroyer, pic by Mikala Taylor/

I’ve typed it before and I’ll type it again: Destroyer is basically Steely Dan… Bejar. Even in Berlin (where I’m about to spend three dates on the road with Sebadoh), the show’s as lush and Bejar as somnambulant as the last time I saw ’em in Vancouver back in March.

Still, it’s nice to see the eight-piece (and stunning trumpet-knob twiddler JP Carter) crowd on a small stage at Berlin’s Magnet Club in front of a smiling, packed audience. They kicked off the set with “Chinatown”, before looping through “Song For America” and “Downtown” and “Bay of Pigs” among ’em, all very grown up, with Bejar typically dull-eyed and slow-moving and kneeling down in his loafers to sup Becks’ beer. Openers Zuzu’s Petals Zulu Pearls were a bit more engaging. The US/Dutch duo play rock in the softly-nice-for-your-ears vein, and I had a great chat with former Virginian Zach Van Hoozer as we stood sidestage. Their new album is No Heroes, No Honeymoons, and you can listen to it here. Danke Berlin, du bist sehr rad! \m/

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